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quantitative risk assessment中文是什么意思

用"quantitative risk assessment"造句"quantitative risk assessment"怎么读"quantitative risk assessment" in a sentence


  • 定量风险评估
  • 量化风险评估


  • Based on the theory of quantitative risk assessment , a regional risk assessment ( rra ) method s put forward
  • Kuehn , r . " the environmental justice implications of quantitative risk assessment . " university of illinois law review 103 ( 1996 )
    定量风险评估的环境正义含义《伊利诺伊大学法律评论》第103期( 1996 ) 。
  • The paper uses qra ( quantitative risk assessment ) to assessing propulsion plants of ship and analysises the breakdown risk on propulsion plants of ship for determining the influent aspects to risk , so that we can gain larger safety reliability at the cost of small investment , avoid to loss the unnecessary money and person
    本文将qra ( quantitativeriskassessment ,即定量风险评估)用到了船舶动力装置的风险评估中,用qra分析船舶动力装置的故障风险,以此确定对风险影响较大的因素,从而以小的投入获取较大的安全可靠性,避免付出不必要的高额费用和人员伤害。
用"quantitative risk assessment"造句  


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